by LeaseQuery | Jul 5, 2018
Capital vs. Operating Lease Test ACCESS THE TOOL Determine whether a lease is classified as capital or operating with our free tool. îµSimplify the ProcessThe tool streamlines the lease classification tests into a few simple questions. gRapid ResultsDetermine whether...
by LeaseQuery | Jul 5, 2018
Embedded Lease Test ACCESS THE TOOL Easily determine whether a contract contains a lease. gStreamline IdentificationThe tool summarizes the definition of a lease into a few questions making it easy to check for embedded leases. ZEase your transitionSeek input from...
by LeaseQuery | Jul 5, 2018
Lease Asset Tracker Template Use this free lease tracking spreadsheet to easily document your lease assets. ZSimplify your transitionDon’t start from scratch! Share this tool with your transition team to keep everyone on the same page. gCross-check for...